Medipha Santé: the expert in pharmaceutical operations and regulatory affairs Working since 2004 as an operating and certifying laboratory for the pharmaceutical industry, Medipha Santé has a portfolio of complementary…
Category: News-en

Tele-registration of the reference person for pharmacovigilance in France (RPV)
Article R. 5121-164 of the Public Health Code states that any company or organisation “exploiting” a medicinal product or a product mentioned in Article R. 5121-150 of the Public Health…

The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on professional training
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus crisis has brought to the forefront the richness of the work done by certain professions that are sometimes undervalued. Whereas a few weeks earlier, the growing importance…

ANSM risk analysis questionnaire for pharmacovigilance (PV) inspections conducted in France
In July, ANSM (the French medicine safety Authority) sent a questionnaire to all pharmaceutical companies in France to help prioritize Pharmacovigilance inspections and a guide to facilitate their completion. This…